What are your fees for counseling services?

Private practice professionals engaged in counseling customarily charge anywhere from $60 to $150 per hour. Many clients find these fees to be prohibitive. What many clients do not realize is that health insurance may provide for Christian counseling just as it provides for the services of a physician. Health insurance companies, PPO’s, HMO’s, and companies with self insurance often reimburse for a portion, and sometimes all, of the counseling fees in order to maintain good emotional health.

The cost of not resolving emotional and family problems very often exceeds the cost of counseling. Failure to resolve such problems leads to increased medical costs, legal fees which may be incurred in divorces and possibly arrests, decreased productivity in work and school, hindered spiritual and emotional growth, and not experiencing joy in life.

Christian Family Institute is committed to serving all persons regardless of their financial ability and resources. If a client is highly motivated to seek Christian guidance and if they are committed to putting into practice the counsel they receive, we will find some means to take care of our clients.

Most HMO’s and self insured plans provided by employers control or limit which professionals a person may seek services from. Christian Family Institute may provide reduced fee services for clients when our services are not included in such plans. We also provide counseling at a reduced fee under hardship circumstances.

Christian Family Institute is a ministry as well as a business. We have a heart for ministry to all people. We seek to provide services or link people with services no matter what there financial condition may be. On the other hand, Christian Family Institute is a business. The Institute is funded entirely by client fees and does not receive any other financial support or government assistance. We function under the Biblical principle that a workman is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7). Combining the principles of ministry and business we seek to be good stewards over the resources God has provided for us. As Christian professionals, we are also committed to donating a portion of our professional services. That means we discount fees according to a client’s ability to pay. If you have a client in need of professional counseling services, call the office of Christian Family Institute and we will help that client either make an appointment or link them with a counselor who can provide the service.

As an added resource, Christian Family Institute provides close supervision to graduates of masters and doctoral programs seeking licensure. These trainees are available on a limited basis to see clients at significantly reduced fees. Care is given to match clients financial resources, the level of their need, their counselor preference, and the skills of the counselor.

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