Small Steps to Change

So let me start with two background points: First, I despise running. I always have. I admire runners, but have never been able to make myself do it and enjoy it. Second, I am always on the lookout for analogies and word pictures. In almost any situation I will look for teaching moments and connections that I can use to explain something. I’m sure you know where this post is headed.

Over the past few months I have been working hard to trim down and get into better shape both for myself and my family. I have been doing pretty well with my eating habits and exercise. However, I have been increasingly motivated recently after discovering a show called "Surviving the Cut." This is a show about our military’s finest putting themselves in unbelievable physical and mental agony in order to join a certain elite group of specialized forces. These young people willingly force their bodies further than they thought they could go, almost to the point of death at times for the opportunity to go out and put their life on the line for us. Check it out, it’s amazing!

So, this show motivated me to try running again. Believe me, I’ve tried a lot of techniques to get myself to run.

I tried interval training and only got the 3 minute mark and stalled for 3 weeks before giving up. I went out the other day with running/walking on my mind. As I began I deliberately noticed my thoughts and my behavior (What I was saying as well as the steps I was taking). As I ran I noticed myself saying, "I’m already getting tired." I also noticed that my stride was almost as long as it would be if I were sprinting.

So I thought back to those special forces guys and to the people I see running long distances. "How do they do it?"

I began saying to myself "Smaller Steps…Slow Down!" I said this over and over. I realized that in the past I would wear myself out early then want to and eventually give up. Then I became fearful of trying again.

Does this sound familiar to you? How many times do we attempt a much needed change in our life the same way time and time again and because we don’t get the results we think we should get when we think we should get them we stop trying. It’s only natural that we stop trying. The pain of failure is too much to bear at times.

Try this: Smaller Steps…Slow Down!

Here are some steps to follow:
  1. Think about that change that you want to make in your life but haven’t been able to accomplish.
  2. Look for other people who have done what you want to do. How did they make the changes that you want to make?
  3. What is the smallest possible step you could take toward that change? Take it. It is often said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Well, it doesn’t matter how small that step is as long as it is in the right direction.
  4. Did it produce a desirable effect? If so, Keep Going Keep going. Let this step sink in for a while. Get used to the process of change then take the next small step. If not, Slow Down. No one sprints a marathon.
  5. Most importantly, pay attention to what you are saying to yourself as you take your steps of change. Are you saying helpful things or unhelpful things? You may think what you are telling yourself is neither, but I would say think again. "I’m already tired" doesn’t sound positive or negative, but it is. What I was really saying was, "See I can’t do this." You may be saying "I can’t" or "If only my spouse would…" or "This is taking too long…" I would challenge you to challenge all of your thoughts, even if you believe them to be true or benign.

On the day that I mentioned above, people driving by may not have considered what I was doing as running. But it was more than I had ever done before. I am happy to say that now after many challenges; I am nearly in the best shape of my life and feel great. Time and time again I have had to say to myself, "Smaller Steps…Slow Down."

Written by Chris Giles, M.S.

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