Welcoming: Bonnie Lee

We are excited to announce the latest member of the growing CFI family! Read why she decided to become a therapist:

So Bonnie, what made you want to become a counselor?

“I love people – and their stories.

Not just the happy ones (which are AWESOME) but also the other kind of real life story:

The ones where the good guy didn’t win. Where a heart was broken. Where things didn’t go the way they were ‘supposed’ to go. It is in those stories, the tough ones, where people have opportunity to grow and become more fully who they are created to be! How exciting is THAT! However, in the midst of those hard times it is often nearly impossible to believe that life will ever be OK again.

Amazing counselors positively impacted me throughout my journey. Proverbs 11:14 tells us, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (NKJV). What a promise!

One day I looked around and my kids were all nearly grown. (It does seem to happen that way!) I started thinking and praying about what the next stage of life would be:

I found that my love of people and their stories was where my heart was. At 43 years old, I started my undergraduate work, entered graduate school four years later, and completed a master’s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy and Community Counseling. I discovered a connection working with people who have experienced trauma, domestic violence, childhood abuse, and sexual assault. Through that work emerged a desire to help couples build or rebuild strong, healthy marriages and families.

If you are in the midst of a ‘tough story’ of your own and struggling to believe there is ANY way things can ever be okay again, I invite you to come and work with me. Counseling is indeed, work – work towards uncovering, discovering, becoming the YOU that you were always created to be. How LOVELY!”

Call the CFI office at 918-745-0095 to make an appointment!

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