Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

With our over-committed schedules, it is often difficult to avoid stressing out over the holidays.

Here are a few ideas to help keep you sane during this stressful time.

Take care of yourself. Remember to eat well, sleep well, and exercise. You will have much more energy to make things special for your family. Have healthy snacks on hand to curb the holiday munching on cookies and candies.

Set limits and a budget.  Make a list of all of the people you have to buy for and how much you plan to spend on each person. Keep a running list of the gifts you have purchased. This will keep you from overspending.

Be realistic. Sit down with a calendar and set realistic goals. How much time do you have each week to devote to shopping and cooking?  Block out time on your schedule to prioritize the most important things.

Do not expect perfection. Unrealistic expectations are a major cause of stress.

Delegate. Ask for help with shopping and food preparation. Ask everyone to bring along a dish to family get-togethers. This spreads the expense and the time.

Prioritize. Remember that you don’t have to attend every open house and holiday party. Practice saying, “No thank you. We already have plans for that date, but, thank you for the invitation.”

Don’t forget to breathe. Take three deep cleansing breaths each morning and each evening. This will help keep the oxygen flowing and you will recall this skill during times of high stress.

Written by Jamie Brandon, M.S.

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